This is my proposal for my product advertisement.
Name of the Product: Nintendo Switch OLED
New Target Audience: My target audience is people from the ages 13 - 80, specifically the elderly in the age range of 65 - 80. I am targeting those of the middle class to upper class, because the Nintendo Switch OLED can be pricey and is a luxury item rather than a necessity. The aim of this advertisement is to show that the Nintendo games are for all ages, and can bring family closer together. Isolation is a widespread problem, especially for the elderly. Since covid has started, many people have lost touch with family members and friends. People are choosing to stay in their room rather than go out, due to the fear of infection. It has then become the new lifestyle and the norm to spend days indoors, barely communicating with anyone. Now that the virus has lessened, people are still suffering from the consequences, such as losing touch with other people and social anxiety. The ad will suggest that with the all-new Nintendo Switch OLED, people are going to be able to overcome these obstacles.
What would the ad be like?: The ad will start with an old man named Bob (Charles Andre Martinet, the voice of Mario and Luigi from the game Super Mario Bros) spending his days in the retirement home. It will show him standing still at the same spot, the camera cutting to another scene where he's still standing at the same spot but the scenery changes. It shows that he lives his days in monotony. There will be scenes of him playing bingo, looking at the other people in the retirement home play golf and seeing their families visit them, and the last scene will feature him sadly looking at a picture of his children and grandchildren. He then finds an ad of the new Nintendo Switch OLED playing in the visiting room's TV, and gets a flashback of him gifting his daughter the old Nintendo Gameboy. He smiles and picks up his phone to order one. The camera cuts, and it's his birthday celebration. His grandchildren (Bella Ramsey (who played Ellie from The Last of Us) and Ian Armitage (who played Sheldon Cooper from Young Sheldon)) are there with him, and he suddenly pulls out two gift boxes. The children happily unwrap them and find two new Nintendo Switch OLEDs. The scene cuts to a scene of them playing Animal Crossing together, a plate of eaten birthday cake on the table. Finally, the advertisement ends with a scene of them at the door. Bob says, "Come to visit my island soon!" and his grandchildren reply with "We will!".